Data from the ASQ-3 study from CADI-UMAG
A data frame with 1523 rows y 55 variables:
: Factor. Identifying number of the assessing professional.profesional_especialidad
: Factor. Profession of the professional evaluator.paciente_id
: Factor. Patient identifier number.sexo_paciente
: Factor. Patient's sex.respondedor_vinculo
: Factor. Type of relationship between the respondent and the patient.n_evaluacion
: Factor. Number of assessment for each subject.evaluacion_tipo
: Factor. Type of assessment.fecha_evaluacion
: Date. Date of patient assessment.fecha_nacimiento
: Date. Patient's date of birth.edad_cronologica_meses
: Numeric. Chronological age of the patient in months.semanas_prematurez
: Numeric. Weeks of prematurity.edad_corregida_meses
: Numeric. Chronological age of the patient in months corrected for weeks of prematurity.diagnostico
: Character. Patient's diagnostic group.alteracion
: Character. Patient's alteration group.asq3_meses
: Numeric. Age in months of patient development according to ASQ 3.comunicacion_q1 - comunicacion_q6
: Numeric. Scoring of the individual questions of the communication item.comunicacion_total
: Numeric. Total score of the communication item.comunicacion_interpretacion
: Factor. Interpretation of the communication item.motora_gruesa_q1 - motora_gruesa_q6
: Numeric. Scoring of the individual questions of the gross motor skills item.motora_gruesa_total
: Numeric. Total score of the gross motor skills item.motora_gruesa_interpretacion
: Factor. Interpretation of the gross motor skills item.motora_fina_q1 - motora_fina_q6
: Numeric. Scoring of the individual questions of the fine motor skills item.motora_fina_total
: Numeric. Total score of the fine motor skills item.motora_fina_interpretacion
: Factor. Interpretation of the fine motor skills item.resolucion_problemas_q1 - resolucion_problemas_q6
: Numeric. Scoring of the individual questions of the problem solving item.resolucion_problemas_total
: Numeric. Total score of the problem solving item.resolucion_problemas_interpretacion
: Factor. Interpretation of the problem solving item.socio_individual_q1 - socio_individual_q6
: Numeric. Scoring of the individual questions of the socio-individual skills item.socio_individual_total
: Numeric. Total score of the socio-individual skills item.socio_individual_interpretacion
: Factor. Interpretation of the socio-individual skills item.
Ages and Stages Questionnaire
The Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3) is a developmental screening tool that pinpoints developmental progress in children between the ages of one month to 5.5 years. For more information please see the homepage of the questionnaire ASQ-3.