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Note: As a priority, this analyses were run using only those with a diagnosis of congenital hypotonia.

vars <- c("edad_cronologica_meses","semanas_prematurez","edad_corregida_meses",

first_evaluation <- dataset[n_evaluacion == 1 & diagnostico %like% "hipotonia", .SD, .SDcols = vars]

As numerical variables do not follow a normal distribution, we will use Spearman’s \(\rho\) test as our non-parametric correlation test, as it is not tied to the assumption of normality. For more information on the function used here for the calculation of the correlation, you can read the corresponding documentation.

cors <- correlation(first_evaluation, method = "spearman", p_adjust = "none")

ind <- order(abs(cors$rho), decreasing = TRUE)
print(cors[ind, -7L])
#> Parameter1                 |                 Parameter2 |      rho |         95% CI |         p
#> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> edad_cronologica_meses     |       edad_corregida_meses |     1.00 | [ 1.00,  1.00] | < .001***
#> edad_cronologica_meses     |                 asq3_meses |     0.99 | [ 0.99,  0.99] | < .001***
#> edad_corregida_meses       |                 asq3_meses |     0.99 | [ 0.99,  0.99] | < .001***
#> resolucion_problemas_total |     socio_individual_total |     0.52 | [ 0.41,  0.61] | < .001***
#> comunicacion_total         |     socio_individual_total |     0.48 | [ 0.37,  0.58] | < .001***
#> motora_fina_total          | resolucion_problemas_total |     0.47 | [ 0.35,  0.56] | < .001***
#> asq3_meses                 |         comunicacion_total |    -0.43 | [-0.53, -0.32] | < .001***
#> comunicacion_total         | resolucion_problemas_total |     0.43 | [ 0.32,  0.53] | < .001***
#> edad_cronologica_meses     |         comunicacion_total |    -0.42 | [-0.52, -0.30] | < .001***
#> edad_corregida_meses       |         comunicacion_total |    -0.41 | [-0.52, -0.30] | < .001***
#> motora_gruesa_total        |     socio_individual_total |     0.36 | [ 0.24,  0.47] | < .001***
#> motora_fina_total          |     socio_individual_total |     0.33 | [ 0.20,  0.44] | < .001***
#> motora_gruesa_total        |          motora_fina_total |     0.25 | [ 0.12,  0.37] | < .001***
#> comunicacion_total         |          motora_fina_total |     0.19 | [ 0.06,  0.32] | 0.003**  
#> motora_gruesa_total        | resolucion_problemas_total |     0.18 | [ 0.05,  0.31] | 0.005**  
#> comunicacion_total         |        motora_gruesa_total |     0.12 | [-0.02,  0.24] | 0.075    
#> asq3_meses                 |     socio_individual_total |    -0.11 | [-0.24,  0.02] | 0.092    
#> semanas_prematurez         | resolucion_problemas_total |     0.11 | [-0.03,  0.23] | 0.106    
#> semanas_prematurez         |       edad_corregida_meses |    -0.10 | [-0.23,  0.03] | 0.127    
#> edad_cronologica_meses     |        motora_gruesa_total |     0.09 | [-0.04,  0.22] | 0.180    
#> semanas_prematurez         |        motora_gruesa_total |     0.09 | [-0.04,  0.22] | 0.180    
#> edad_corregida_meses       |        motora_gruesa_total |     0.08 | [-0.05,  0.21] | 0.211    
#> edad_corregida_meses       |     socio_individual_total |    -0.08 | [-0.21,  0.05] | 0.214    
#> edad_cronologica_meses     |     socio_individual_total |    -0.08 | [-0.21,  0.06] | 0.245    
#> semanas_prematurez         |     socio_individual_total |     0.08 | [-0.06,  0.21] | 0.245    
#> asq3_meses                 |        motora_gruesa_total |     0.07 | [-0.06,  0.20] | 0.254    
#> semanas_prematurez         |                 asq3_meses |    -0.07 | [-0.20,  0.06] | 0.296    
#> edad_cronologica_meses     |         semanas_prematurez |    -0.04 | [-0.17,  0.09] | 0.567    
#> edad_corregida_meses       |          motora_fina_total |     0.02 | [-0.11,  0.15] | 0.735    
#> asq3_meses                 | resolucion_problemas_total |    -0.02 | [-0.15,  0.11] | 0.767    
#> edad_cronologica_meses     |          motora_fina_total |     0.02 | [-0.11,  0.15] | 0.787    
#> semanas_prematurez         |         comunicacion_total |    -0.01 | [-0.14,  0.12] | 0.853    
#> semanas_prematurez         |          motora_fina_total | 7.31e-03 | [-0.12,  0.14] | 0.911    
#> edad_cronologica_meses     | resolucion_problemas_total | 3.97e-03 | [-0.13,  0.14] | 0.952    
#> asq3_meses                 |          motora_fina_total | 2.91e-03 | [-0.13,  0.13] | 0.965    
#> edad_corregida_meses       | resolucion_problemas_total | 2.09e-03 | [-0.13,  0.13] | 0.975    
#> Observations: 234